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Level layout and security cameras

For this update I have started on the layout to show off my mechanics. This may be subject to change but it seems to have enough hiding spots and different cover types to implement everything. I have also added security cameras to the game, with the ability to rotate and raise the alarm.


So far the map has enough room for 2 patrol routes and a few hiding spots, I may extend this and have spotlights roaming through the middle once I have them set up. A small room in the center is where my deactivated AI will activate as backup when in alert mode.

Security camera

Since I am not an artist, I have made a basic shape of a security camera using static meshes and hooked the rotate function up to the camera part only, so it has the illusion of a wall mount.

The rotate function uses a timeline to update the camera's relative location over 10 seconds from -45 to +45. A branch then checks a bool at the end of the timeline to set it to play normally or reverse.

For the detection functionality I used the same method as the noise creation in the previous post, using a sphere trace for objects, getting the hit actor and casting to the player. If the cast is successful, then the player is the hit actor, and the alarm is triggered in the game mode.

Update video

Bug fixes

I spent a lot of time debugging during this update. The AI had a tendency to act erratically for no good reason, So I pretty much took the combat selector apart and tried to rebuild from scratch, only to have the same bug happen again. I think the issue was that search was being called with only 1 AI character at a time rather than all of them which lead to them abandoning the player and walking off into the distance. Using the same system as my alert mode, to get all actors of class and switch them if none of them could see the player, seemed to improve this somewhat.

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